Thursday, January 12, 2012

New Dawn, New Day, New Life

New Year Resolutions are great but we really shouldn't save them up for the New Year, we should make them every single day. We don't know what kind of challenges we're going to face in the coming year so as soon as something gets thrown in our path or gets in the way of those resolutions we tend to give up in frustration. Resolutions made on January 1st usually hit a giant brick wall by the time February 1st comes along. The gym has been so packed with New Year Resolutioners that I've had to wait to get on a treadmill the past couple of weeks but the crowds have already started to dwindle down and its only the second week of the year. The New Year is the perfect time to clean the slate, forget the past and look forward to the possibilities that lie ahead. Look at all those little boxes on the calendar just waiting to be filled up.

This healthy living thing is a life long process. Even when we reach our goals, it's not the end. How many people do you know who got to their goal weight only to regain most or all of what they worked so hard to lose? We're not done once we see that sweet number on the scale or fit into those goal-size jeans.

We're not THERE yet, we're HERE, right now is where we're at. Right now, right HERE is where we're always at. This is a life long process not a short term project to complete and forget about. We are never done with healthy living. If something is really important, if something really matters, it doesn't get completed in a day. It can't be reached in a day, a week or a month. If you can finish it in a day it's not that big of a deal. If you can finish it in a week or a month it's not that big of an accomplishment. If it takes a lifetime it is a very big deal and totally worth the effort.

When our dreams seem such a long way off, we tend to decide that HERE is THERE and we settle for HERE instead of striving to get THERE. We settle for HERE because THERE seems so far away. HERE is not bad, it's ok, but we need to keep moving forward to get THERE. A new year is the perfect time to forget the past and look forward to what lies ahead. Put the past behind you, forgive yourself and others for any wrongdoings and move forward. The past is the past. The past is not today and it is not the future. We can't start working on what comes next until we put the past behind us. Don't let the past define your future. Let it go and focus on today and the possibility of what lies ahead.

We tend to get so overwhelmed with the mundane details of surviving day to day that we stop dreaming about the future and settle for HERE. This is not all there is. We are not THERE yet. Keep those dreams alive and keep looking forward to what lies ahead. Remember, it doesn't matter how long it takes to get THERE as long as you keep moving in the right direction.

Where are you? Where do you want to go? HERE or THERE?

Happy New Day!


  1. I am well on my way to my goal, but have learned to have patience with the scale. Everything good comes in time:)

    1. It can be so frustrating to work so hard and not see immediate results on the scale but they will come. Keep up the good work!

  2. Excellent post. I can not agree with you more about his line: This healthy living thing is a life long process.

    I sure have learned that over the past 19 months. Slow and life long process, but so worth it. One day and week at a time.

  3. Yes, yes, yes. Slowly but surely I'm getting there!

    1. We need to embrace our turtle pace...we'll get there!

  4. Hey! Just wanted to say hello and hope things are going well. I know its hard to juggle work, working out and everything - just sending big hugs your way - my blog reading has been minimal since my husband's been in the hospital.

    He's back home though - yippee!!


    1. Biz, do you know your posts make me smile every single day? Even with all you have been through you still find a way to stay positive and upbeat through it all. You are truly an inspiration! Rock on!

  5. I definitely like and agree to your line "This healthy living thing is a life long process" since it's very true. Nice post.

    1. It really never ends and once we learn that I think it gets a little easier to swallow the slow and steady plan.


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