Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hot 100 - Week 7 Late Update

So sorry I'm late again with my Hot 100 update but we unplugged ourselves and escaped from the city Wednesday night. We spent the last four days in Vermont working hard on getting things ready for winter. I haven't been to the gym but believe me when I tell you I got a few really good workouts in.

I love being able to get away from the city lights and be able to see things like the Milky Way. It was absolutely spectacular. My head is so much clearer when I'm in the mountains, not sure whether it's the fresh air or the wide open spaces but I know it's good for me.

I can't believe we're already 7 weeks into the Hot 100 with the mother of all feasting holidays less than 2 weeks away. After getting through Halloween with barely any chocolate touching my lips I'm not too afraid of what will happen on turkey day. Even if I do go a little overboard I'm going to get some good workouts in between now and then to help make up for it. You know, like the Boy Scouts always say, "Be Prepared."

Anyway, here's my belated stats for Week 7 of the Hot 100:

Goal #1 - Lose An Additional 15 Pounds by December 31st

Challenge Starting Weight (9/23/10): 194.2 lbs.
Week 1: -1.3 lbs.
Week 2: -0.9 lbs.
Week 3: -2.4 lbs.
Week 4: -4.0 lbs.
Week 5: -1.1 lbs.
Week 6: -2.6 lbs.
Week 7: ???

I didn't get to weigh in on Friday because we were away so I'm not sure if I'm still rocking this losing streak. It was looking good when I last weighed in on Tuesday so I'm hoping to see a loss by next week's official weigh in. I don't think I did too much damage over the weekend although I did end up having cake for dinner last night. Yup, that's right, I had cake for dinner and it was delicious. Obviously, it isn't something I do everyday but once in a blue moon isn't going to put 60 pounds back on my ass. Everything in moderation has been working for me so I'm just going to keep going with it.

Goal #2 - Couch to 5K

I had a little knee pain on and off last week after my "run" so I backed off on the dreadmill this week. I still love the idea of being a runner but I'm not sure this 40-something year ol' body is up for the pounding. I don't want to get sidelined by an injury so I'm trying to listen to my body and know when its had enough. I have no problem completing a 5K but running the whole way may be another story.

Goal #3 - Build More Muscles

I'm happy to report I had two great sessions in the weight room and really pushed myself so I was struggling to finish the last set. I know I pushed it because I was really sore the next day but it was a good sore that proves you worked hard.

I finally got a chance to talk to the personal trainer too and although I don't think his services fit in my budget right now I'm trying to see if I can just get an assessment and a training plan to get me motivated to work my muscles. He did think I'd see the benefits of cutting back on the cardio and increasing my time with weights and I know he's right but a part of me fears my weight loss will stall if I cut back on the cardio/elliptical sessions. I guess it will be fun to find out, right?

Hope you all had a great week and have a plan worked out for the upcoming feasting holidays. I'm so far behind in my blog reading. Sorry if I haven't commented much lately but I'm just trying to get through my backed up reader and catch up with everyone. I'm off to see how all of you have been doing. I hope you're keeping it HOT!


  1. Sounds like you are still on point! It's so good to be able to do that when you are busy, too. Shows it is a lifestyle change.

  2. Woo-hoo! to another great week!

    If you decide to increase strength training, keep in mind that while your weight loss may (or may not) stall, it may be more than offset by positive changes to your body.

  3. I would switch from the scale to the measuring tape if you back off the cardio. It seems that would be a better measurement of your progress and it would help keep your motivation high.

    And I have been reading about beginning to run and listening to your body is key. If we hurt ourselves that is just no good. Give it a rest of a while and maybe go slower when you start back.

  4. Wow seeing the Milky Way... that is something I have not seen in a while. It must be lovely in your mountains.

  5. WOW..we are on the same movement terms..

    I too love seeing the milky way...

  6. Yum ... cake for dinner! You are doing so great on the weight loss. I can picture myself having a trainer pushing me to go harder and longer ... just haven't moved from picturing it to actually doing it yet.

  7. "Mother of all feasting holidays." Hahaah.

  8. My advice is DO NOT fear the weights. It helps the process in so many amazing ways. I can't recommend it enough!
    Congrats on your progress, you sound like you have such a fantastic outlook!

  9. It sure is nice to get away, isn't it? It sounds like you are doing well. Be sure to take care of your body - it's the only one you have.


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