Wednesday, September 22, 2010

End of Summer and the Hot 100 Challenge

2010 is more than half over and as of tomorrow there will only be 100 days left to this year. It's true that the older you get the quicker the years seem to pass by. It's like living your life in slow motion when you're young and think you have all the time in the world to fulfill your dreams and then years and decades fly by and you're left wondering how you got here and if you still have enough time to make your dreams come true. As long as you're still breathing, you still have time.

Have you let those healthy new year resolutions slip through the cracks of daily life or are you well on your way to living the life of a healthy person? Have you figured out what works for you or are you still struggling to get through the day without poisoning yourself with junk food. Have you been moving your body, getting your heart rate up and working up a sweat? Have you reached your goals only to learn that maintenance really is the hardest part?

Are you prepared for the holiday season with all the food pushers and the feasts being offered up at every turn? The Halloween candy is stocked on the shelves, the Thanksgiving turkeys are getting fattened up and the Christmas feasts are being planned. Are you prepared to handle that? Are you up for the challenge?

I am!

Since I had so much fun doing Biz' 1o1 Days of Summer Challenge I've decided to join South Beach Steve's Hot 100. You can check out all the details on Log My Loss here.

My three goals for the Hot 100 Challenge are:

1. Lose An Additional 15 Pounds by December 31st

I know some of you and everyone on the Biggest Loser can drop that in a couple of weeks but if you haven't caught on by now, I'm a VERY SLOW loser. I'm just trying to be realistic here and set a goal I think is attainable. My goal for the 101 Days of Summer Challenge was to lose 20 pounds and I almost made it with a total loss of 17 so since the holidays have to be factored in to this equation I think 15 is a realistic goal. I don't want to fall victim to the pressure of losing "x" amount of weight in "x" amount of days but will strive to just keep losing at my slow and steady pace and attempt to reach that goal.

2. Couch to 5K

I'm not giving up on this even though my bad knee isn't always happy about it. I really WANT to be a runner but I'm not sure my body is willing to take the abuse. I may be the last person to cross that 5K finish line but I'm going to do it.

3. Build More Muscles

I must confess I struggle to get in the weight room more than a couple of times a week and even when I do I'm just pushing through it, going through the motions and doing the bare minimum so I can say I did it but I don't love it. I need to get my head in the weight room, slow down and try to enjoy it instead of just getting it over with.

What can you accomplish in the next 100 days? Join the Hot 100 Challenge and set some goals to finish out 2010 strong. Don't you want to feel good about making progress when the new year rolls around?

There's a gorgeous full Harvest Moon out there tonight even though I'm sweating like it's still the middle of July I know these hot days are numbered. Here in the northern hemisphere the Summer of 2010 will officially be over at 11:09 p.m. EDT (0309 GMT Sept. 23). Fall in New England can be magical when spectacular bursts of the most amazing colors get splashed over the mountains and the giddiness I feel knowing that a blanket of fresh white snow will soon follow.

Where will you be at the end of 2010? Closer or farther away from your goals? Don't waste another second of your life wishing you could get healthy, just wishing your life away. Make the choice right now, not Monday, not after the holidays, RIGHT NOW!


  1. Working with weights a couple times a week is pretty good, IMO. Enough to make a difference!

    Wishing you success with your challenge!

  2. I joined up today and will be posting my goals later today. I so need this.

  3. This sounds awesome but I have to say that I completely suck at keeping up with other people's challenges...I forget the rules, forget when to weigh...I'm horrible, lol. I hope you do GREAT at it though, and I know you will. :)

  4. 15 pounds is a great goal and totally attainable!

    I want to keep training for and then run my first half marathon in November and keep running through the end of the year. Also, i'm planning to NOT put on the usual holiday ten pounds.

  5. So glad to see you're doing hot 100 too!

    Those are great goals! 15 pounds is doable while still being challenging: I think you can get it, but you'll definitely have to work for it. Building muscle and C25k are also fabulous fitness challenges.

    Some day, some day, I will do C25K. I've tried and abandoned it at least a half dozen times.

  6. Came over from the Hot 100. I definitely think you can do the 15 pounds, as I think training for the 5k will take care of it! Looking forward to following your progress!

    Polar's Mom

  7. I'm too lazy to do a 5K. I prefer the Kouch.

  8. I'll knock off 15lbs though with the surgery. LOL

  9. Great goals. I just wanted to say hi, I saw your name on the Hot 100 Challenge list. I'm participating to so I will be back to read your blog and see how you are doing. Hope you don't mind me adding you as one of my favorite blogs.

  10. What a great introduction to the Hot 100! I should have had you write the official one! Welcome aboard - I am glad you decided to join in!


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