Good Morning Friends –
I’ve got sunshine, even on a cloudy day. These are certainly some dark and difficult times but we cannot give up hope. Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if only we remember to turn on the light. If there is no light to turn on, we must be the light. Let’s all do whatever we can to make our little piece of the world a slightly better place today and every day.
Happiness is amazing. It’s so amazing, it doesn’t matter if it’s yours or not. Happiness is not only fulfilling our own needs and wants but being able to put someone else’s needs ahead of our own. It’s looking for ways to help without looking for anything in return.
A society grows great when old man plant trees the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Despite what we all see on the news, there is good out there. Unfortunately, the bad news gets higher ratings so we don’t get to see that much of it.
Good people do things for other people. That’s it. The end. Put a little good out there every day. We need it now more than ever.
Stay safe, shine your light and have a great day.
Peace out.
Physically distant but socially engaged,
~ MB
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