Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Eve Hot 100 Week 13 Update
I hope you didn't get caught up in the commercialism of the season by racking up charges on the credit cards. Presents are great but spending time with the people you love is really what it's all about. Enjoy the beauty of the season, time with family and friends and the joy of giving from the heart.
It's hard to believe we are in the final weeks of the Hot 100.
Status of Hot 100:
Goal #1 - Lose An Additional 15 Pounds by December 31st
Challenge Starting Weight (9/23/10): 194.2 lbs.
Week 1: -1.3 lbs.
Week 2: -0.9 lbs.
Week 3: -2.4 lbs.
Week 4: -4.0 lbs.
Week 5: -1.1 lbs.
Week 6: -2.6 lbs.
Week 7: --------
Week 8: -2.2 lbs.
Week 9: -4.0 lbs.
Week 10: -0.9 lbs.
Week 11: -0.2 lbs.
Week 12: -3.1 lbs.
Week 13: -------
Total Hot 100 Challenge Weight Loss to Date: 22.7 lbs.
(Total Weight Lost Since 11/2009: 70.5 pounds)
I didn't get to weigh-in today but if I use yesterday's weigh-in I could report a 2.8 pound loss. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can keep it off after feasting tomorrow.
Goal #2 - Couch to 5K
Last week I said "I may have to hang my head and admit defeat on this one" but Cammy wisely pointed out that "Admitting defeat is one thing, but no head hanging allowed! It's FUN to try new things, even those that don't work out for us. Or maybe it's *especially* those that don't work." I may never be a runner but I'm going to continue to work on making progress with the C25K. Manuela commented that she struggled with the program on the treadmill but once the nice weather hit she was able to rock it on the pavement. Who knows, maybe by the time spring hits I'll be rocking that C25K program.
Goal #3 - Build More Muscles
As expected, with the bustle of the holiday I've missed a few days at the gym so I haven't done much lifting this week but I'm looking forward to getting back in there and pumping some iron. I feel so tough saying things like that. ;)
Thank you so much for the support you have given me. I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas!
Rock on Hotties!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Hot 100 - Week 12
Here's my Hot 100 Update for Week 12:
Goal #1 - Lose An Additional 15 Pounds by December 31st
Challenge Starting Weight (9/23/10): 194.2 lbs.
Week 1: -1.3 lbs.
Week 2: -0.9 lbs.
Week 3: -2.4 lbs.
Week 4: -4.0 lbs.
Week 5: -1.1 lbs.
Week 6: -2.6 lbs.
Week 7: --------
Week 8: -2.2 lbs.
Week 9: -4.0 lbs.
Week 10: -0.9 lbs.
Week 11: -0.2 lbs.
Week 12: -3.1 lbs.
Total Hot 100 Challenge Weight Loss to Date: 22.7 lbs.
(Total Weight Lost Since 11/2009: 70.5 pounds)
I guess it isn't too far fetched to think I could actually lose a total of 25 pounds for this challenge.
Goal #2 - Couch to 5K
Again, nothing new to report here ... I'm still struggling with the C25K. I may have to hang my head and admit defeat on this one. Maybe I'm just not cut out to be a runner. I'm still going to keep trying to complete this program but I'm not going to sweat it if it doesn't happen.
Goal #3 - Build More Muscles
I haven't lifted much this week but I'm feeling strong and actually look forward to hitting the weights. Who would have thought that would happen?
I hope you are all taking time to enjoy the spirit of the holiday season. It's not about the gifts, decorations and food, it's about the people and the time you get to spend with them. There's a certain magic in giving from the heart. Make a difference in someone else's life this holiday season. The kids won't believe it but it truly is much better to give than receive.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Hot 100 - Week 11

No matter how you've done on the Hot 100 challenge thus far it's now crunch time, last chance workout, time to finish strong. Don't you dare throw your hands up and declare the holiday season a bust because you're still stuffed like the Thanksgiving Day bird. Don't wait until January 1st to reverse any damage or make more progress, start RIGHT NOW. It will be totally worth it. Trust me, you'll see.
Here's my stats for Week 11:
Goal #1 - Lose An Additional 15 Pounds by December 31st
Challenge Starting Weight (9/23/10): 194.2 lbs.
Week 1: -1.3 lbs.
Week 2: -0.9 lbs.
Week 3: -2.4 lbs.
Week 4: -4.0 lbs.
Week 5: -1.1 lbs.
Week 6: -2.6 lbs.
Week 7: --------
Week 8: -2.2 lbs.
Week 9: -4.0 lbs.
Week 10: -0.9 lbs.
Week 11: -0.2 lbs.
Total Hot 100 Challenge Weight Loss to Date: 19.6 lbs.
(Total Weight Lost Since 11/2009: 67.4 pounds)
I hit my challenge goal to lose 15 pounds in Week 9 and decided it would be a good idea to strive to lose a total of 25 pounds for this challenge. No matter where the number ends up I'm very happy to see the scale moving in the right direction on a consistent basis. A little less than 2 pounds a week for the next three weeks doesn't sound impossible but there will be once-a-year Christmas treats and a few less days of gym time so we'll just see how it all works out.
Goal #2 - Couch to 5K
Look away, the show is over, nothing new to report here ... I'm still struggling with the C25K.
Goal #3 - Build More Muscles
I'm a little shocked to admit that I've actually been looking forward to lifting now that I've started to see a teeny tiny bit of definition in my arms. Who knew you could get results so quickly? Apparently, everyone but me ;)
I finally moved out of the dark ages and got a smart phone so I've been trying to catch up on my blog reading from there which means very little to no commenting (why can't those computer geeks figure out a way to make that easier?) but I'm still out here cheering you on.
I hope you're all enjoying the holiday season. Let's all finish out the year with a little momentum on our sides. Merry Merry!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Week Highlights and Hot 100 Update
I went to my first ZUMBA class on Tuesday. The city offers free classes at the local senior center so I had a bunch of seniors dancing circles around me. I don't know what got my heart rate up more, the class or laughing so hard at myself. It was a blast. I can't wait to join them again next week. I'm not very graceful but I was definitely got a good workout in.
I did a KILLER workout yesterday that included cardio and a serious weight circuit session. I almost fell when I got out of bed this morning because my calves are killing me *ouch*. I'm definitely feeling the burn and loving it!
Time for my Week 10 Hot 100 Update:
Goal #1 - Lose An Additional 15 Pounds by December 31st
Challenge Starting Weight (9/23/10): 194.2 lbs.
Week 1: -1.3 lbs.
Week 2: -0.9 lbs.
Week 3: -2.4 lbs.
Week 4: -4.0 lbs.
Week 5: -1.1 lbs.
Week 6: -2.6 lbs.
Week 7: --------
Week 8: -2.2 lbs.
Week 9: -4.0 lbs.
Week 10: -0.9 lbs.
Total Hot 100 Weight Loss to Date: 19.4 lbs.
(Total Weight Lost Since 11/2009: 67.2 pounds)
Goal #2 - Couch to 5K
Nothing new to report here. I'm still struggling with the C25K.
Goal #3 - Build More Muscles
I'm getting stronger every single day and excited to see a little definition popping out in my arms.
Only a few more weeks of the Hot 100 to go. How are you doing on your challenge goals? Are you making progress or struggling? Can I pat you on the back or kick you in the ass?
My reader is so out of control and overflowing. I've been doing my best to catch up but you guys keep writing and I keep falling further and further behind. I hope to catch up and get back to commenting regularly soon.
Here in the northeast it's been pretty cold outside but I hope you're keeping it HOT!
Rock on!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Hot 100 - Week 9 Thanksgiving Edition
So, here's my update for Week 9 of the Hot 100:
Goal #1 - Lose An Additional 15 Pounds by December 31st
Challenge Starting Weight (9/23/10): 194.2 lbs.
Week 1: -1.3 lbs.
Week 2: -0.9 lbs.
Week 3: -2.4 lbs.
Week 4: -4.0 lbs.
Week 5: -1.1 lbs.
Week 6: -2.6 lbs.
Week 7: --------
Week 8: -2.2 lbs.
Week 9: -4.0 lbs.
Total Hot 100 Weight Loss to Date: 18.5 lbs.
(Total Weight Lost Since 11/2009: 66.3 pounds)
Well, well, look at that ... I already smashed this goal by losing FOUR POUNDS this week. I'm not changing my challenge goals but I'm going to try to lose a total of 25 pounds by New Year. Why not, right? I obviously didn't set the bar high enough.
I'll admit I was a little shocked when I got on the scale this morning because I missed the gym two days and was not feeling very good after all the crap I ate the night before. Over the past year there have only been a handful of weeks that I've lost up to four pounds and to be able to have a four pound loss on Thanksgiving week is a true blessing and I am very thankful.
Goal #2 - Couch to 5K
Still struggling with the C25K .... I'm not giving up but at some point I may have to admit my body isn't made for running. I'm still going to push to do this but it hasn't been easy for me.
Goal #3 - Build More Muscles
I'm getting stronger and stronger and trying to motivate myself to spend more time lifting and less time doing cardio. I was worried that cutting down on the intense cardio and increasing my weight lifting time would stall my weight loss but, thankfully *knock wood*, that doesn't seem to be happening. I have a feeling I just may be doing something right. (Lori, I think of you every single time I increase my weights. I know you'd be proud.)
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving holiday and didn't put yourself into a food coma. Treat yourself to some healthy foods this weekend and get your body moving. You'll feel better, I promise.
I'm still far behind in my blog reading with over 800+ unread posts but I'm chipping away and catching up and hope to be back to regular commenting soon.
Hope you're keeping it HOT!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
An Amazing Year
Today marks the one year anniversary of my narrow escape from the corporate cement box and the nasty lawyers that tortured me for 10+ years. One short year ago I was a stressed out emotional wreck who could barely make it through the day without crying and stuffing my emotions down with massive amounts of food.
I feel so blessed to have had this year off to get my sanity, health, happiness and life back. I almost forgot what an optimistic person I am by nature. Why did I allow them to take that from me in exchange for a fat paycheck? Those bastard lawyers sucked all the happiness right out of me, stressed me out and dragged me down into a deep pit of despair. It was so dark down there in the pit I couldn't even remember what it was like to live in the light.
I know I have to go back to work soon but I'm making a promise to myself that I will never allow an employer to take away my happiness. No amount of money is worth that trade off.
Cut in Pay: <50%
Gym Membership: $99
Happiness: PRICELESS
Friday, November 19, 2010
Hot 100 - Week 8 Update
Here's my stats for Week 8:
Goal #1 - Lose An Additional 15 Pounds by December 31st
Challenge Starting Weight (9/23/10): 194.2 lbs.
Week 1: -1.3 lbs.
Week 2: -0.9 lbs.
Week 3: -2.4 lbs.
Week 4: -4.0 lbs.
Week 5: -1.1 lbs.
Week 6: -2.6 lbs.
Week 7: ???
Week 8: -2.2 lbs.
Total Hot 100 Weight Loss to Date: 14.5 lbs.
I'm pretty confident I'm going to smash this goal by the time the New Year rolls around. I'm planning some pretty intense workouts for the beginning of next week in anticipation of the feast on Thursday.
Goal #2 - Couch to 5K
Still struggling with the C25K but I'm making a bit of progress increasing my "runnning" time.
Goal #3 - Build More Muscles
I'm disappointed that the personal training sessions are out of my budget right now but I'm doing my best to stay motivated and lift heavier weights more often. I'm starting to see more definition in my arms and love the feeling of getting stronger.
That's it for my Week 8 update. How did you do this week? I'm still way behind in my blog reading so I'm off to check out what's going on in your neck of the woods.
Keep it HOT!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Hot 100 - Week 7 Late Update
I love being able to get away from the city lights and be able to see things like the Milky Way. It was absolutely spectacular. My head is so much clearer when I'm in the mountains, not sure whether it's the fresh air or the wide open spaces but I know it's good for me.
I can't believe we're already 7 weeks into the Hot 100 with the mother of all feasting holidays less than 2 weeks away. After getting through Halloween with barely any chocolate touching my lips I'm not too afraid of what will happen on turkey day. Even if I do go a little overboard I'm going to get some good workouts in between now and then to help make up for it. You know, like the Boy Scouts always say, "Be Prepared."
Anyway, here's my belated stats for Week 7 of the Hot 100:
Goal #1 - Lose An Additional 15 Pounds by December 31st
Challenge Starting Weight (9/23/10): 194.2 lbs.
Week 1: -1.3 lbs.
Week 2: -0.9 lbs.
Week 3: -2.4 lbs.
Week 4: -4.0 lbs.
Week 5: -1.1 lbs.
Week 6: -2.6 lbs.
Week 7: ???
I didn't get to weigh in on Friday because we were away so I'm not sure if I'm still rocking this losing streak. It was looking good when I last weighed in on Tuesday so I'm hoping to see a loss by next week's official weigh in. I don't think I did too much damage over the weekend although I did end up having cake for dinner last night. Yup, that's right, I had cake for dinner and it was delicious. Obviously, it isn't something I do everyday but once in a blue moon isn't going to put 60 pounds back on my ass. Everything in moderation has been working for me so I'm just going to keep going with it.
Goal #2 - Couch to 5K
I had a little knee pain on and off last week after my "run" so I backed off on the dreadmill this week. I still love the idea of being a runner but I'm not sure this 40-something year ol' body is up for the pounding. I don't want to get sidelined by an injury so I'm trying to listen to my body and know when its had enough. I have no problem completing a 5K but running the whole way may be another story.
Goal #3 - Build More Muscles
I'm happy to report I had two great sessions in the weight room and really pushed myself so I was struggling to finish the last set. I know I pushed it because I was really sore the next day but it was a good sore that proves you worked hard.
I finally got a chance to talk to the personal trainer too and although I don't think his services fit in my budget right now I'm trying to see if I can just get an assessment and a training plan to get me motivated to work my muscles. He did think I'd see the benefits of cutting back on the cardio and increasing my time with weights and I know he's right but a part of me fears my weight loss will stall if I cut back on the cardio/elliptical sessions. I guess it will be fun to find out, right?
Hope you all had a great week and have a plan worked out for the upcoming feasting holidays. I'm so far behind in my blog reading. Sorry if I haven't commented much lately but I'm just trying to get through my backed up reader and catch up with everyone. I'm off to see how all of you have been doing. I hope you're keeping it HOT!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Motivation, Endorphins and My Hot 100 - Week 6 Update

I barely ate any Halloween candy and it is still EVERYWHERE I turn. I haven't even had the urge to snack after dinner lately. I don't really recognize this person. I like her, I really like her, but I don't know her. Will she stick around or desert me again? Why was it always so hard before? Is it just a matter of having the time to go to the gym? time to take care of myself? time to think? time to go food shopping? time to cook instead of eating out or ordering takeout?
I'm having some anxiety just thinking about going back to work, getting stressed out, depressed and using food to make me numb to it all. I don't ever want to go back to that dark depressing place where I felt hopeless. I feel like I'm finally getting my soul that those bastard lawyers sucked out of me back. I don't ever want to lose it again. It's worth too much to trade it for a healthy paycheck.
I've had 7 straight weeks of losses, not Biggest Loser-type numbers, but losses none the less. This endorphin high is amazing. It takes a while to get there but it is totally worth it. There's even science to back it up. I was reading this article about endorphins that said "exercise is a powerful drug. It seduces many with its zen-like state a feeling that was fondly coined the 'runner's high' in the 1970s. The lure of exercise is often so strong that it can turn enthusiasts into addicts."
Ok, let's get on to the business end of my post - my stats for Week 6 of the Hot 100:
Goal #1 - Lose An Additional 15 Pounds by December 31st
Challenge Starting Weight (9/23/10): 194.2 lbs.
Week 1: -1.3 lbs.
Week 2: -0.9 lbs.
Week 3: -2.4 lbs.
Week 4: -4.0 lbs.
Week 5: -1.1 lbs.
Week 6: -2.6 lbs.
I'm making steady progress and think I can lose even more than the 15 pound goal I set. I was going to set the goal for this challenge at 20 pounds but figured I would be conservative considering all the feasting holidays. *give me strength* Hopefully I can get through the next couple of months without backsliding. *fingers crossed* In 6 weeks I've lost 12.3(!) pounds so it's totally possible to reach and perhaps surpass my goal. We shall see.
Goal #2 - Couch to 5K
I RAN TODAY! Can you believe it? I mean, I really RAN. Well, maybe not what runners consider running but it was running to me. It was more than my usual slow jog, I was pushing it just to stay on the dreadmill. I still don't love it but it's getting a little easier.
Goal #3 - Build More Muscles
The trainer I've been wanting to talk to has been on vacation so that will have to wait another week. I did have two good weight sessions this week though. Today I pushed up my weight and really worked my arms hard. They are sore but it's a good sore. I'm not sure if it's just my imagination but I think I see a little bit of definition in my arms. Wow ... muscles and bones? Not only do I have visible collar bones again if I turn my shoulder at the right angle, I can almost feel my hip bones under the layers of fat. Oh, how I've missed them, I can't wait 'til they really come out of hiding.
I'm hoping to keep this momentum going. I haven't felt this good in ages. Thanks for sticking with me through years of struggle and despair and being here to cheer me on now. Your support means the world to me and I am grateful to each and every one of you for helping me get to where I am today.
I've been spending more and more time unplugged and have 500+ unread posts in my reader to get through so I'm going to see what's been going on with you.
Keep it HOT!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Hot 100 - Week 5 Late Update
Well, better late than never, right? Here's how I did last week:
Goal #1 - Lose An Additional 15 Pounds by December 31st
Challenge Starting Weight (9/23/10): 194.2 lbs.
Week 1: -1.3 lbs.
Week 2: -0.9 lbs.
Week 3: -2.4 lbs.
Week 4: -4.0 lbs.
Week 5: -1.1 lbs.
I can't believe I've had 5 weeks of losses. I'm a little afraid to get on the scale tomorrow after indulging on cheese, crackers and all sorts of crap at a Halloween party Saturday night. At least I didn't give in to all the Halloween candy that kept calling me. I only had a handful of B's M&Ms tonight which has to be the least amount of candy I've consumed on Halloween EVER. I'm planning on an extra long, intense gym session tomorrow hoping to combat any weekend weight gain. Who wants to join me?
Goal #2 - Couch to 5K
Still struggling to get past week one.
Goal #3 - Build More Muscles
I never got a chance to meet with the trainer last week. This week for sure.
Remember, those FUN SIZE candies aren't so much fun when they settle on your ass.
I hope you're all keeping it HOT! Have a great week!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Hot 100 - Week 4
Here's my Hot 100 update:
Goal #1 - Lose An Additional 15 Pounds by December 31st
Challenge Starting Weight (9/23/10): 194.2 lbs.
Week 1: -1.3 lbs.
Week 2: -0.9 lbs.
Week 3: -2.4 lbs.
Week 4: -4.0 lbs.
Holy Smokes! FOUR POUNDS! I wish I could see those kind of numbers every week. As you saw in my last post, I feel like I've hit the sweet spot so I'm going to do my best to stay in it.
Goal #2 - Couch to 5K
I made a bit of progress with the C25K by just getting on the dreadmill but still haven't pushed myself past week one.
Goal #3 - Build More Muscles
I hit the weights twice this week and will be scheduling an appointment with a personal trainer next week. I'm not sure I can afford to splurge on personal training sessions but maybe one or two would give me a little push to do more in the weight room.
I got another confidence boost yesterday when the owner of the gym complimented me. She stopped me in the hall and told me that she was impressed with my dedication and wanted to know how much weight I've lost so far. She said that it's been her experience that if you exercise consistently for at least six months you have a good chance of doing it for the rest of your life. I hope she's right. I don't want to lose this feeling ever again.
I hope you all had a great week. I haven't made it to as many of the Hot 100 blogs as I wanted to but I'm working my way down the list.
Have a great weekend and remember to keep it HOT!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Sweet Spot

I don't want to jinx myself or scare my mojo away but I have to tell you I've been feeling like I've hit the healthy lifestyle sweet spot. I'm in such a groove lately I wish I could bottle it up and store it away for when I really need it.
I haven't been getting too hung up on the numbers on the scale since they've been going in the right direction, I'm not stuffing my face with sugar and crap, I'm working out regularly and I'm feeling things I haven't felt in years (hello collarbones!).
I had an amazing workout today. In addition to making the elliptical machine my bitch for 70 minutes I also jogged a mile on the dreadmill. I was a sweaty mess and it felt great. I was already high on endorphins when a complete stranger stopped me in the hall and said "I just have to ask, how do you stay on the elliptical for so long. It's impressive. I can barely stay on for 10 minutes. " I told him I could barely stay on it for 10 minutes less than a year ago but I've worked up my stamina, increased intensity, and just get into a zone now. The first 10-15 minutes are the hardest but once I get going it seems to get easier and easier. Of course, not lugging an extra 50+ pounds of fat around helps too.Let me know if you have any ideas on how to bottle this stuff up. We could get thin and rich.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Hot 100 - Week 3
It's been a challenge to stay on track this week because my sMother is visiting so there have been lots of restaurant meals and not enough time to get to the gym but I've been able to keep things under control. Although I didn't make any real progress on two of my Hot 100 goals, I lost an additional 2.4 pounds and broke into the 180s.
Here's my Hot 100 stats:
Goal #1 - Lose An Additional 15 Pounds by December 31st
Challenge Starting Weight (9/23/10): 194.2 lbs.
Week 1: -1.3 lbs.
Week 2: -0.9 lbs.
Week 3: -2.4 lbs.
Bye-bye 190s! I was so happy to see you and get into Onederland but I'm even happier to see you go.
Goal #2 - Couch to 5K
I haven't made a bit of progress with the C25K program this week since my time at the gym has been limited. I'm determined to get working on this next week when things get back to normal.
Goal #3 - Build More Muscles
I did a little better with the weight training than I did with the C25K. Even though I didn't get into the weight room at the gym I've been using some hand weights at home. I'm going to talk to the personal trainer at the gym next week to see how much it would be for a few sessions in the weight room. I know what to do but I'm thinking if I have someone there to keep me accountable and give me a little push the more likely I'll actually do it.
I've been having fun getting to meet more of my fellow Hot 100 challengers but I haven't made it to everyone yet.
Keep it HOT!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Hot 100 - Week 2
This is just going to be a short and sweet update for Week 2 of the Hot 100:
Goal #1 - Lose An Additional 15 Pounds by December 31st
Challenge Starting Weight (9/23/10): 194.2 lbs.
Week 1: -1.3 lbs.
Week 2: -0.9 lbs.
Every little tenth of a pound gets me that much closer to goal. Slow and steady seems to be working for me and I'm determined to keep it that way no matter how tempting it is to go to the extreme and lose it quickly. Been there, done that, gained it all back plus more. Although I didn't even lose a whole pound this week, by losing 0.9 pounds I hit the 50 pounds lost mark exactly. It's taken a really long time (a lifetime) to get to this point and I'm now HALFWAY to my ultimate goal.
Goal #2 - Couch to 5K
Goal #3 - Build More Muscles
Unfortunately, I've been slacking and haven't made any progress with the C25K or my weight training this week but I'm not giving up on it. I'm thinking of cutting back on my elliptical time and just concentrating on the dreadmill and the weight room. We'll see how it goes next week.
Gotta run. It's a long holiday weekend and I gotta get packing for my escape. I hope you all have a great weekend. Rock on!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Dance Party Winners
If I had a billion dollars I would love to say "you get a car, and you get a car, and you get a car" just like Oprah did but, unfortunately, I haven't hit the lottery YET so you'll have to settle for a small token of my appreciation. You guys are the BEST support system and I'm blessed to have you in my life.
I want to apologize to my friends that live outside the states and are not eligible to win but this unemployed girl can't afford the hefty price of postage to send you anything but my gratitude. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!
So, to all my fellow dancin' partners, send me your address at "mb photography vt [at] gmail [dot] com (you know, without the spaces and with a "@" and a ".") and I will send you a onederland party door prize.
WOW! My feet are killing me from all that dancin'. Thank you all for sticking with me over the years of struggling and being there to celebrate my crossover into Onederland. I had a blast.
The next party I have will be when I reach my goal sometime in 2011. I can't wait.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Hot 100 - Week 1
Hello Hotties!
Have you joined South Beach Steve's Hot 100 challenge yet? It's not too late, you can be a hottie too. Steve has extended the deadline to join until the end of the day today so head over there and state your goals for the remaining days of 2010 and let's finish out the year on a strong note. I'm hoping the challenge will help me stay focused through the upcoming holiday trifecta of temptation.So, here's how I did for Week 1:
1. Lose An Additional 15 Pounds by December 31st
Challenge Starting Weight (9/23/10): 194.2 lbs.
Week 1: -1.3 lbs.
I'll be in good shape if I can see these numbers every week. At least I'm off to a good start.
2. Couch to 5K
It may not seem like much to you runners out there but I'm excited I can even RUN for a full minute. I wish I didn't get so bored on the dreadmill but I'm determined to get through this program and be able to complete a 5K.
3. Build More Muscles
I must confess I've been slacking on the weight training. I didn't make it into the weight room at all this week but I'm going to force myself to go in there at least 3 days next week.
I think I'm off to a decent start. Next week may be a bit more of a challenge because my Smother is coming to visit. Oy...I'm stressed out just thinking about it. Her last visit was over a year and a half ago and it didn't end well. There's always so much drama stirred up when she visits but I'm going to try to not feed into any of it or feed myself to avoid dealing with the drama. It's going to be tough but I'll get through it.
I'm so happy to have met a few new bloggers through the Hot 100 and plan on making my way over to visit each and every one of my competition's site. It may take a while but I'll be visiting you and cheering you on to your goals.
It really has been one crazy week. There's construction going on in my house, walls being ripped out, old plaster and dust flying around, the electricity has been shut off for hours at a time, a window blew right out of the house and smashed on one of the construction worker's brand new truck due to the strong winds yesterday, I locked myself out of the house and had to break back in ... oh, the list goes on and on. If I was still working and stressed out I'd be ready for the funny farm by now.
I'm so ready for a relaxing uneventful weekend. I'm planning on taking lots of foliage pictures, hitting the apple orchard to stock up on some Honeycrisps, sitting around the bonfire and relaxing. That's all I have planned and I can't wait.
My Onederland dance is still going on but because of all the craziness this week I'm going to wait until next week to announce the door prize winners so if you haven't entered to win yet get over there and do it.
Have a great weekend Hotties. Keep on dancin'!
Friday, September 24, 2010
It's Party Time!
Looking out for a place to go
Where they play the right music
Getting in the swing
You come to look for a king ...
Happy Friday everyone! It's finally time to dust off those dancing shoes and get this Onederland party started!
Thank you all for coming. I'd like to welcome you to the Onederland Ballroom! We're here to celebrate my big milestone of finally breaking through into the 100s. I still have a long way to go to reach my weight loss goal but I'm almost at the 1/2 way point and soon will be merely overweight instead of obese. I'm not sure if I'll ever reach "normal" as far as those BMI charts go but I've always thought normal is overrated anyway.
As you know, I hit the onederland milestone on August 27th and have been dancing around it for a month now. My weight tends to bounce up and down a few pounds each week so I wanted to be firmly planted in onederland soil before I went ahead with the big onederland celebration. I did creep up over the line last Monday but weighed in at 193.6 today so I'm pretty confident any weight fluctuations will not cross the dreaded 200 line again.
So get out on the dance floor and get your groove on, boogie down, and rock it out. Help yourself to a cocktail and some of the delicious calorie-free food and then get out on the dance floor and do the happy onederland dance with me.
I'm not sure I would have been able to do it without all the support I've received from YOU. You have no idea how much I value each and every comment I get. I'd like to show my appreciation by giving away some door prizes:
- Sportline pedometer to track those 10,000 steps a day we should all be getting
- The Complete Beck Diet for Life book
- A silver Green Bottle to remind you to drink your water
- The Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga DVD
- and a few other special surprise prizes
Since I'm out of work and funds are limited I can't be shelling out big bucks for postage so with apologies to my non-USA readers, prizes will only be shipped to addresses in the continental United States.
Thanks for coming to my Onederland Party! I'm not sure I would have made it here without all your support. I love each and every one of you for encouraging me and picking me up when I was down. It was a long and winding road but I finally made it out of the 200s and I'm so happy to be here in Onederland.
Now get out on the dance floor and DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY!
You can dance
You can jive
Having the time of your life
See that girl
Watch that scene
Diggin' the dancing queen
Feel the beat from the tambourine
You can dance
You can jive
Having the time of your life
See that girl
Watch that scene
Diggin' the dancing queens!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Happy Autumnal Equinox!
As of tomorrow there will only be 100 days left of 2010. Join me in the Hot 100 and let's finish out the year on a high note. The leaves are changing and so am I. Are you ready for a new season? Are you ready to see a change? I am.
End of Summer and the Hot 100 Challenge

2010 is more than half over and as of tomorrow there will only be 100 days left to this year. It's true that the older you get the quicker the years seem to pass by. It's like living your life in slow motion when you're young and think you have all the time in the world to fulfill your dreams and then years and decades fly by and you're left wondering how you got here and if you still have enough time to make your dreams come true. As long as you're still breathing, you still have time.
Have you let those healthy new year resolutions slip through the cracks of daily life or are you well on your way to living the life of a healthy person? Have you figured out what works for you or are you still struggling to get through the day without poisoning yourself with junk food. Have you been moving your body, getting your heart rate up and working up a sweat? Have you reached your goals only to learn that maintenance really is the hardest part?
Are you prepared for the holiday season with all the food pushers and the feasts being offered up at every turn? The Halloween candy is stocked on the shelves, the Thanksgiving turkeys are getting fattened up and the Christmas feasts are being planned. Are you prepared to handle that? Are you up for the challenge?
I am!
Since I had so much fun doing Biz' 1o1 Days of Summer Challenge I've decided to join South Beach Steve's Hot 100. You can check out all the details on Log My Loss here.
My three goals for the Hot 100 Challenge are:
1. Lose An Additional 15 Pounds by December 31st
I know some of you and everyone on the Biggest Loser can drop that in a couple of weeks but if you haven't caught on by now, I'm a VERY SLOW loser. I'm just trying to be realistic here and set a goal I think is attainable. My goal for the 101 Days of Summer Challenge was to lose 20 pounds and I almost made it with a total loss of 17 so since the holidays have to be factored in to this equation I think 15 is a realistic goal. I don't want to fall victim to the pressure of losing "x" amount of weight in "x" amount of days but will strive to just keep losing at my slow and steady pace and attempt to reach that goal.
2. Couch to 5K
I'm not giving up on this even though my bad knee isn't always happy about it. I really WANT to be a runner but I'm not sure my body is willing to take the abuse. I may be the last person to cross that 5K finish line but I'm going to do it.
3. Build More Muscles
I must confess I struggle to get in the weight room more than a couple of times a week and even when I do I'm just pushing through it, going through the motions and doing the bare minimum so I can say I did it but I don't love it. I need to get my head in the weight room, slow down and try to enjoy it instead of just getting it over with.
What can you accomplish in the next 100 days? Join the Hot 100 Challenge and set some goals to finish out 2010 strong. Don't you want to feel good about making progress when the new year rolls around?
There's a gorgeous full Harvest Moon out there tonight even though I'm sweating like it's still the middle of July I know these hot days are numbered. Here in the northern hemisphere the Summer of 2010 will officially be over at 11:09 p.m. EDT (0309 GMT Sept. 23). Fall in New England can be magical when spectacular bursts of the most amazing colors get splashed over the mountains and the giddiness I feel knowing that a blanket of fresh white snow will soon follow.
Where will you be at the end of 2010? Closer or farther away from your goals? Don't waste another second of your life wishing you could get healthy, just wishing your life away. Make the choice right now, not Monday, not after the holidays, RIGHT NOW!Friday, September 17, 2010
Losing Streak Ends
I've been able to stay in onederland but just barely which is why I haven't sent out invitations to the big onederland dance yet. I want to make sure I'm firmly planted in onederland soil before I go and make a big deal out of it. I've been hovering around that 200 pound line too long and it's stressing me out. I have to get as far away from that line as possible so I'm going to kick it up a notch so I don't have to worry about leaving onederland ever again. I like it here and don't ever want to leave.
I don't plan on doing anything too crazy or different, just increasing the intensity of my workouts and keeping my snacks and treats to a minimum so I can plant my roots in this fertile onederland soil. It's so much better here than on the other side of that line, I never want to leave it again.
It's fall here in the northeast so I'm looking forward to getting out and enjoying the crisp fall air and maybe taking some foliage photos. I hope you all have a great weekend. Anything exciting going on in your neck of the woods?
Monday, September 13, 2010
Biggest Loser Inspiring a Nation
I'm sure the guys on the black team and every one of those contestants lost at least 100 pounds in the same time it took me to lose a mere 20 but I'm ok with that. I've lost weight quickly many times over the years but was never able to keep it off. This time I'm all about slow and steady weight loss. I didn't have to weigh in in front of the nation in a bra or have Jillian break me down and make me cry. I'm an ugly crier and I'm sure she would have had me sobbing every single day.
*if you pause the video at 00:59 you can see me in the top right corner on the edge of the frame in a pink tank top.
Would you ever want to be on a reality show? Do you get inspired by the Biggest Loser? I'm very happy to say I no longer qualify to be on the show since you have to be at least 100 pounds overweight. Maybe by the time season 11 rolls around I'll be at my goal. Unlike the Biggest Loser, I'm rockin' slow and steady ...
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
101 Days of Summer Challenge Finale

Let's see how much progress I made during the 101 Days of Summer Challenge:
1. Lose 20 Pounds by Labor Day
Challenge Starting Weight on Memorial Day: 215
Week 1: 212.3 (-2.7)
Week 2: 211.6 (-0.7)
Week 3: 211.6 (-0.0)
Week 4: 207.9 (-3.7)
Week 5: 207.9 (-0.0)
Week 6: 209.2 (+1.3)
Week 7: 207.2 (-2.0)
Week 8: 206.4 (-0.8)
Week 9: 207.0 (+0.6)
Week 10: 206.1 (-0.9)
Week 11: 202.2 (-3.9)
Week 12: 201.3 (-0.9)
Week 13: 200.2 (-1.1)
Week 14: 198.9 (-1.3)
I have to admit that being away at camp makes me want to sit by the campfire or just relax with a good book but I've been making more of an effort to go for a walk, take a hike, or take my bike for a spin. Now that the cooler weather is here it will be easier to get out there and not feel like I'm trying to swim through all the humidity.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
The Pity Party is Over
I need to focus on how far I've come, not how far I still have to go. I'm working out, I'm feeling stronger, I'm eating better, I'm not stress eating, I'm not eating to stuff my emotions down, I'm not binging and I'm finally losing weight.
I think I should take some progress photos and try to get over my photo phobia or at least be able to look at the pictures and see how far I've come and stop focusing on how far I still have to go.
It's time for me to snap out of it and move on. I'm heading to the gym now to work up a sweat and try to get myself firmly planted in onederland soil.
Thanks for picking me up while I was down. You guys are the BEST! This pity party is officially over. It's time to rock on!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Say Cheese ;)
I don't know why I'm always shocked when I see pictures of myself. I look in the mirror at home and at the gym and I've been feeling better about the image being reflected back at me but as soon as I see a picture I think "oh, I have that same top as that girl," or "that can't possibly be me, can it?" Half the time I don't even recognize myself. Are all the mirrors in my house fun house mirrors that make me look thinner than I am? Does the camera add 50 pounds to everyone or is it just me?
I've lost over 40 pounds so far, fitting into clothes I haven't been able to squeeze into in years and I've been feeling good about the progress I've made until I saw myself in some pictures from the weekend and now I just want to cry. I've come so far but still have a very long way to go before I'm able to look at myself in a picture and not cringe. I can't imagine how I would have felt had I not lost those 40 pounds but I'm certainly not happy where I am right now.
I've still got a long way to go. I guess it's time to get my ass to the gym and start working off the next 40+ pounds. I wonder if I'll recognize myself in pictures when I get to my goal or will I still be asking "who is that girl?"
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The End of the End of Summer Challenge

Can you believe it's August 31st already? Where did the summer go? It seems like just yesterday we started this challenge and now it's over. I can't wait for the leaves to start changing colors and the cooler temperatures to kick in so I can shut the air conditioners off. I love this time of year and look forward to the change in seasons because it means the snow will start falling again soon. Ok, sorry, I know most of you don't want to even think about winter but I can't wait to get back on my snowmobile. Yes, it's over 90 degrees here in the northeast and I'm dreaming of snow.
So today is the final day of Tammy's Waisting Away in the Heat - End of Summer Challenge. I had my fingers crossed that I would be able to report a record breaking 10 pound loss for the month but it didn't happen. As usual, my weight is up a little bit from Friday and slightly over that 200 pound milestone again which is why the happy onederland dance post has been rescheduled once again. I knew this would happen because my weight has never been a steady downward trend but rather a roller coaster ride with a slight downward lean but I'm heading in the right direction so it's all good. Don't put away those dancing shoes just yet because I'm planning to get it together for this weekend. I'm getting too old to party on a school night anyway.
Here's my stats for the End of Summer Challenge:
August 1st: 207.2
August 6th: 202.2
August 13th: 201.3
August 20th: 200.2
August 27th: 198.9
August 31st: 200.2
Total Loss: 7.0 lbs.
Seven pounds in a month is a decent rate of loss for me, remember I'm a very quick gainer but a very slow loser. Congratulations to all my competitors who inspired me to keep my eye on the prize and motivated me to keep fighting the good fight. I also want to thank Tammy for hosting the challenge even though she had so much going on in her life between work, finding a new gym, spraining her ankle, etc., etc. I hope those dark clouds that have been following her around get pushed out to sea by the strong winds coming up the east coast.
Let's see if I can lose another 7 pounds in September and get farther and farther away from the the dreaded 200s. I'm ready to dance. Are you?
Congratulations to our challenge winner. Rock on!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Dancin' Shoes and Challenges Update
As the summer days are winding down we're in the home stretch of these challenges.
101 Days of Summer Challenge and Summer Challenge 2010:
Primary Goal: Lose 20 pounds
Challenge Starting Weight: 215
Week 1: 212.3 (-2.7)
Week 2: 211.6 (-0.7)
Week 3: 211.6 (-0.0)
Week 4: 207.9 (-3.7)
Week 5: 207.9 (-0.0)
Week 6: 209.2 (+1.3)
Week 7: 207.2 (-2.0)
Week 8: 206.4 (-0.8)
Week 9: 207.0 (+0.6)
Week 10: 206.1 (-0.9)
Week 11: 202.2 (-3.9)
Week 12: 201.3 (-0.9)
Week 13: 200.2 (-1.1)
Week 14: 198.9 (-1.3)
I'm down 16.1 pounds since the start of these challenges and very close to reaching my primary challenge goal of losing 20 pounds. I need to check when the official end to these challenges are and see if I can step it up a notch to reach that 20 pound loss mark. Even if I don't hit that number, I'm happy with my progress.
I missed a couple of days at the gym this week because I've been without wheels since B needed to use my truck to go to work since his little bug got totalled. I live close enough to walk to the gym but we've had some crazy weather (torrential rain and high winds) and I used that as an excuse not to go out of the house on Monday. I did check out a new gym with a friend on Tuesday and got a Super Tuesday 100 minute cardio session in to make up for lazing around on Monday. I actually took a bus and a train in the pouring rain to get to the gym on Wednesday. How's that for dedication and determination?
I've been slacking on the weights and C25K training but I'm giving myself an A+ in the healthy eating, HFCS avoidance and water guzzling.
Waisting Away in the Heat - End of Summer Challenge
August 1st: 207.2
August 6th: 202.2
August 13th: 201.3
August 20th: 200.2
August 27th: 198.9
Total Loss: 8.3 lbs.
This challenge ends on Tuesday, August 31st so I'll be doing another weigh in then. Hopefully I can stay under the 200 pound mark 'til then.
So, how's my competition doing? Making progress, I hope.
I'm crazy busy this weekend with my sister's wedding so the Onederland dance and door prizes post will have to wait another day or two. We've waited this long, another couple of days won't matter too much.
I hope you all have a great weekend!
Rock on, Challengers.
Knock Knock ....
"Who's there?"
"Alice Who?"
Yes, that's right, you can call me "ALICE" because I finally made it to Onederland!!!!!!
It's time to dust off those dancin' shoes I've been tripping over for weeks (months, years, decades).
I'll be back with all the details and challenge update after I hit the gym and get my gear together for my sister's rehearsal dinner tonight and wedding tomorrow.
I hope you'll be able make it to the dance to celebrate this BIG milestone with me. Come on, dancin' is the best way to have fun and burn calories at the same time. Oh, and there will be some door prizes too.
See you at the dance.
Alice (a/k/a MB)
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sweet Corn and Maple Peanut Butter
Friday, August 20, 2010
Quick Challenges Update
I am knocking on Onederland's door. The lights are on but nobody will answer the damn door. I am so close to crossing into the 100s it's making me a little crazy. It's just a number, just a measly .3 pounds to go but it seems significant in some way because it's been so long since I've been there. It will happen next week for sure so don't put away your dancing shoes just yet.
Here's my challenges check in:
101 Days of Summer Challenge and Summer Challenge 2010:
Primary Goal: Lose 20 pounds
Challenge Starting Weight: 215
Week 1: 212.3 (-2.7)
Week 2: 211.6 (-0.7)
Week 3: 211.6 (-0.0)
Week 4: 207.9 (-3.7)
Week 5: 207.9 (-0.0)
Week 6: 209.2 (+1.3)
Week 7: 207.2 (-2.0)
Week 8: 206.4 (-0.8)
Week 9: 207.0 (+0.6)
Week 10: 206.1 (-0.9)
Week 11: 202.2 (-3.9)
Week 12: 201.3 (-0.9)
Week 13: 200.2 (-1.1)
I'm happy with a 1.1 pound loss but it would have been even better if it were 1.4 pounds. Oh well. It's just a number, right?
I still need to get more time in the weight room and on the treadmill for the C25K program I've been slacking on but I just haven't been into it. This cardio queen needs to mix things up a bit. Next week I'm going to get on the dreadmill and go to the weight room before I hit the elliptical so there won't be any excuses.
I've been drinking nothing but water and eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies. I did indulge in way too many tortilla chips with the most amazing baja salsa that I won from Biz but it was totally worth it. This salsa tastes nothing like any store bought or restaurant salsa. It has the most amazing rich, smokey flavor and just enough heat although I could have handled a bit more. I didn't even need the milk I had waiting, just in case. It is YUMMY!!! (Thanks again Biz - I LOVE IT). I also had some too ripe bananas hanging around so I made some banana bread the other night and may have had one too many pieces but it's gone now and time to move on. I didn't make the healthiest choices this week but I wasn't in binge mode either so it's all good.
Waisting Away in the Heat - End of Summer Challenge
August 1st: 207.2
August 6th: 202.2
August 13th: 201.3
August 20th: 200.2
Total Loss: 7.0 lbs.
How's my competition doing? Making progress I hope.
I'm sorry to keep postponing the dance but I'm determined to get it rescheduled for sometime next week. I'm off to the mountains this weekend so I have to get packed and ready to go.
HAPPY FRIDAY! I hope you all have a great weekend. Try not to do anything you'll regret come Monday morning. ;)
Rock on, Challengers.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Three Years Ago Today ...
Back then I was inspired watching PastaQueen and DietGirl transform themselves right before my eyes and I wanted to be just like them. I didn't expect a book deal but I desperately wanted those "after" pictures showing how I finally made it. I didn't even have as much to lose as they had but I couldn't seem to find that switch I needed to flick to make any lasting progress.
This was the place that was going to encourage and inspire me to lose the weight I'd been able to lose before but always managed to gain back. I had recently turned 40 and didn't want to waste another decade of my life being fat. I didn't have the nerve to record my weight at the time but I know I had gotten to a new high of 220 pounds.
I was stressed out and miserable at work and couldn't find any strength to make lasting changes. I was too tired to get up early and workout. After being abused all day at work I didn't have the energy to go to the gym, I just wanted to go home and unwind. I binged on bag after bag of chocolate covered pretzels regularly. I would get 3 or 4 bite size chocolates almost every day after lunch to give me strength to get through the afternoon, along with all the coffee and tea. I gave into the temptation of the free pastries, bagels, cookies and other crap that was regularly in the office and then indulged on the weekend because, dammit, I deserved it after the stressful week I had.
Unfortunately just starting this blog didn't make weight loss magic happen. I continued down the same path I had been on for years. I'd lose 2 or 3 pounds and then gain 5 back, get depressed, get stressed and eat more junk. It was a vicious cycle. Two years later I was still blogging but I hadn't made any progress in losing weight.
In January 2008 I worked up the nerve to divulge my weight, an even higher all time high of 226 pounds. I was so miserable and stressed out at my job and couldn't stop myself from binging and eating way more than any human needs to eat. By the time I got laid off in November 2009, I had binged and lazed my way all the way up to 242 pounds.
Losing my job after 11+ years was scary and depressing but it was the best thing that could have happened. It wasn't until I got laid off in November 2009 that I really started losing weight. I had time to go to the gym, go food shopping and cook healthy dinners regularly. I was waking up happy instead of sick to my stomach about having to go into the hell hole where I worked and getting abused every single day. I started to remember who I used to be before getting beat down by stress. I felt like I got my life back.
As of last Friday I've lost just over 40 pounds and I'm on the threshold of breaking through to the 100s any day now. That works out to an average of 13 1/2 pounds A YEAR which sounds a bit pathetic since I had anticipated being able to lose all the weight I needed to lose in one year, maybe a year and a half tops. Hell, I lost 60+ pounds at least twice before and each time it didn't take longer than six months. Why is it taking so long this time?
I feel like a completely different person than the one that started this blog. I feel blessed to have had this time off to get myself together and I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to continue to keep up the pace when I have to go back to the daily grind. Will I be able to continue what I've been doing when I have to fit 40 hours of work into the equation? Will I be able to deal with the stress without using food to help me cope? I certainly hope so.
For now I'm just going to continue the Tippy Toe weight loss plan as I've been doing the last nine months or so. It's not sensational drastic Biggest Loser-type weight loss but it's working so I'm not messing with it. Maybe I needed to lose it slowly so I can learn how to keep it off permanently.
Three years later I'm not at my goal but I'm making progress and still fighting the good fight. I'll get to that ultimate goal someday and I hope you're all here to go to the big dance with me. In the meantime, there will be a small onederland dance very soon to tide you over 'til the big one. I was hoping it would happen today but I had some delicious fresh homemade salsa from Biz to test out and tortilla chips were the easiest and fastest way to polish off a jar.
I absolutely love and adore all the friends I've made here, the support I get when I'm down, the encouragement to keep trying, the advice on how to do it healthily, and especially the ass kickin' you've given me when I needed it these past three years. I truly appreciate each and every comment you've taken the time to write. It's nice to know I'm not in this alone in this battle.
Some of you have already come back from the front lines and have gone back into civilian fat-free life and some of you, like me, are still fighting the war one battle at a time. No matter where you are on this journey I think it's time we realized that we can't change the past and just need to learn from our mistakes and move on. I'm hoping to get to my goal by my 4th Blogiversary. Wish me luck.
Thank you for being a big part of my journey. You are the BEST!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Challenges Check In
So here's the details on my progress this week.
Waisting Away in the Heat - End of Summer Challenge:
August 1st: 207.2
August 6th: 202.2
August 13th: 201.3
Total Loss: 5.9 lbs.
I spent most of the week working off the weekend weight gain but was still able to show a slight loss for the week. Only 1.4 measly little pounds to shed to get out of the 200s. I can't wait. I'll be doing that happy dance next week for sure.
101 Days of Summer Challenge and the Summer Challenge 2010:
I'm still having some technical difficulties with my computer so I don't have a scale picture to show but here's the results for the week.
Goal: Lose 20 pounds
Challenge Starting Weight: 215
Week 1: 212.3 (-2.7)
Week 2: 211.6 (-0.7)
Week 3: 211.6 (-0.0)
Week 4: 207.9 (-3.7)
Week 5: 207.9 (-0.0)
Week 6: 209.2 (+1.3)
Week 7: 207.2 (-2.0)
Week 8: 206.4 (-0.8)
Week 9: 207.0 (+0.6)
Week 10: 206.1 (-0.9)
Week 11: 202.2 (-3.9)
Week 12: 201.3 (-0.9)
Not even a pound lost but those little tenths of pounds eventually add up to a big loss so I'm ok with it. I'm not going to win any prizes for shedding the weight fast but I'm down over 40 pounds and that's nothing to sneeze at, right?
I've been chugging the water, getting lots of fresh fruit and veggies and staying away from the processed stuff as much as possible. This is so much easier to do in the summer when all the farmers markets are open. I haven't done a Super Tuesday workout yet this month but I still have a couple weeks to get it in. Again, I only threw the weights around once this week but I'm still recovering from the accident so I'm letting my body tell me how far to push it. It only took me 40+ years to start listening to this ol' body of mine it's a wonder I even recognize that voice. I'm hoping to be able to push harder next week and really start throwing my weight around. How did you do this week? I can't wait to read about the progress you've all made.
Be sure to bring your dancin' shoes next week. I want you all here to do the happy dance in Onederland with me.
Rock on, Challengers.
Friday, August 6, 2010
All My Challenges ...
Waisting Away in the Heat - End of Summer Challenge:
August 1st: 207.2
August 6th: 202.2
Total Loss: 5 POUNDS!
It seems like a lot for one week but it's a little misleading as my weight is always high on Sunday/Monday after indulging on the weekends. I lost 3.9 pounds from last Thursday 'til today which seems more accurate. I'm excited about being so close to breaking through to the 100s.
101 Days of Summer Challenge and the Summer Challenge 2010:
I've been having some technical difficulties with my computer for the past couple of days so I don't have a scale picture to show but here's the results for the week.
Goal: Lose 20 pounds
Challenge Starting Weight: 215
Week 1: 212.3 (-2.7)
Week 2: 211.6 (-0.7)
Week 3: 211.6 (-0.0)
Week 4: 207.9 (-3.7)
Week 5: 207.9 (-0.0)
Week 6: 209.2 (+1.3)
Week 7: 207.2 (-2.0)
Week 8: 206.4 (-0.8)
Week 9: 207.0 (+0.6)
Week 10: 206.1 (-0.9)
Week 11: 202.2 (-3.9)
I do realize the 101 Days challenge is in week 10 and Summer Challenge 2010 is in week 11 but I'm just keeping things consistent since they started around the same time, just go with the flow and don't pay attention to my crazy new math, k?
I was able to work up my intensity at the gym this week after being sidelined last week from the car accident. I'm still a little sore so I'm not going to push it too much. I'm hoping to get in a Super Tuesday workout next week if I'm feeling up to it but I'm trying to listen to what my body tells me so I don't hurt myself by pushing too hard too soon. As far as the rest of my challenge goals go, I'm making steady progress. I only hit the weights once this week but considering my weakened state I think I did ok.
It looks like the onederland party dance will have to wait until next week *please, please, please, knock wood, fingers crossed*. I know it's only a number but I'm SO CLOSE I just want to break past it and move on to my ultimate goal.
I'm rushing to pack for Vermont so I'm going to leave it at that. We're supposed to be going on an ATV ride up Mt. Washington this weekend so I have to get a move on. Sorry I didn't link to the challenges but you can click the banner on the sidebar to go directly to the host of the challenges blog. I'm running out of free space with blogger so I'm not going to add the banners to each post anymore. I've been thinking of starting a fresh new blog, maybe at WordPress, but I can't deal with that right now so we'll just wait and see what happens. I'll keep you posted. If I make a move you'll be the first to know.
I hope you all had a great week and can get out and enjoy the two days of freedom if you've been toiling away at the daily grind. Only a few weeks left 'til the unofficial end of summer so get out and enjoy the weekend!
Rock on, Challengers.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
A New Challenge and Another Late Update

I've been having a hard time updating for the two challenges I'm already doing (Biz's 101 Days of Summer Challenge and the Summer Challenge 2010) but I'm joining Tammy's Waisting Away in the Heat End of Summer Challenge anyway. Basically it's a challenge for the month of August to see how many pounds you can lose from August 1st to August 31st. You can check out this post for all the details.
My starting weight on August 1, 2010 was 207.2.
That's quite a roller coaster ride, huh? I'm usually at my lowest on Thursday or Friday and my highest on Monday. I'm still working on controlling my snacks and making good choices on the weekends. It's so hard to eat right and be social. Summertime is all about getting out with friends and family and having fun so I'm just going with the flow and doing the best I can.
I'm planning on breaking through to onederland during this challenge so stay tuned. Who knows, maybe I'll be there by the time I hit my 3rd blogiversary (August 16th) *fingers crossed*. I can't believe it's been almost three years and I just started seeing progress in the last 8 months. I guess I know what stress does to my body and soul.
I haven't seen the 100s in over 6+ years and even then it was only for 5 minutes. I'm going to lose my mind if anyone else derails my plans by dropping their cigarette, !#$%^&*!#$%! You can read my previous post if you don't know what I'm talking about. I'm trying not to think about it too much because it freaks me out. I keep seeing it happen and thinking how much worse it could have been and how lucky we were. I just got word today today that the VW love bug is a total loss ;(. Now I get to fight with the insurance company to get a fair price for it. UGH! That's never fun.
I'm still working on catching up with all my unread posts but you guys keep writing such good stuff. I'm glad I didn't "mark all as read" or I would have missed so much. Most exciting was Mary and Kepa's engagement story. Check it out and congratulate them if you haven't already. I'm so happy for them. They are so adorable together, don't you think?
Here's my late update for the 101 Days of Summer Challenge and the Summer Challenge 2010.
Goal No. 1: Lose 20 pounds
Challenge Starting Weight: 215
Week 1: 212.3 (-2.7)
Week 2: 211.6 (-0.7)
Week 3: 211.6 (-0.0)
Week 4: 207.9 (-3.7)
Week 5: 207.9 (-0.0)
Week 6: 209.2 (+1.3)
Week 7: 207.2 (-2.0)
Week 8: 206.4 (-0.8)
Week 9: 207.0 (+0.6)
Week 10: 206.1 (-0.9)
I didn't get a chance to weigh in on Friday or take any pictures so I'm using what the scale said last Thursday. As you can see from the picture above, it was back up to 207.2 by Sunday but it's already come down from there so I'm still crawling my way out of obesity. I can't wait 'til my Wii stops saying "that's OBESE" every single time I weigh in. I know, I know, I'm working on it. Sheesh. Is there a way to shut that thing up?
Because of an interview and the crash I only got to the gym once last week (the day of the accident) but I've been back the past three days and slowly working my way up to speed. I even did a light round of the weight circuit today (Hi Cammy ;). I'm still a little sore so I'm not going to push it too much until my body feels healed from all the bumps and bruises.
Stay tuned ... I could be doing the onederland happy dance very soon.
Thanks for all the well wishes and support. You guys are the BEST!
Rock on, Challengers.